Aura Move Squad
Feel fitter, faster, and more confident with our online training squad. The Aura Move Squad gives you access to weekly swim and strength sessions that are expertly crafted to help you be the best swimmer you can be.

The Aura Move Squad is ideal if you want to:
- improve your swim speed and endurance in events ranging from 200m - 2000m
- try something new for training
- have a structured program
- work toward goals
- build physical strength and improve mobility
What's included:
- 3x weekly swim sessions
- 2x weekly strength sessions
- A challenge every two months to help keep you motivated
- Swim sessions range from 1.5km - 3km
- Personal performance tracking
- Access to membership resources
- Drill library
- Online swimming community
- Coaching support
Best suited for intermediate to advanced swimmers capable of swimming 400m non-stop with a pace between 2:10/100m - 1:20/100m.
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